Friday, February 10, 2012

Chocolate Lava Cakes

I love chocolate....I mean who doesn't. My love affair with chocolate started when I was a
little girl. I'd choose chocolate ice cream over vanilla and strawberry, chocolate bars over candies! I could go on and on about my love for chocolate.....but I won't.
Chocolate lava cakes are everything to me. The way the chocolate oozes out just brings a smile to my face. This is one of the easiest,sexiest desserts one could ever make. You can add ice cream with it like I did or just eat it naked....the cake that is!

Chocolate Lava Cakes
Serves 4

6oz dark chocolate
6 tbsp unsalted butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
2 eggs

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Lightly grease four custard cups or ramekins. Set aside.
In a double broiler,melt chocolate and butter on low heat.
Stir in the sugar.
In a small bowl lightly beat the eggs.
Add some of the chocolate mixture to the eggs to "temper" them.
Tempering the eggs just means that you add a small amount of the hot liquid into relatively cooler eggs in order to warm them up without scrambling them.
When you're done "tempering" the eggs carefully stir the egg mixture into the chocolate mixture. Add the flour and combine everything completely.
Place the custard cups or ramekins on a baking sheet and add an even amount of the chocolate batter to each.
Bake for 10mins.
Then centers should be soft but the sides should be done.
Invert the cups onto individual serving plates. Remove the cups after 2 mins and serve.

You can add fresh fruits, ice cream, or home-made fudge sauce!

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